Web Development
Fitness Tracker App
My goal was to enable the user to view, create, and track daily workouts, including the abiity to log multiple exercise sessions on any given day. The application was built using JavaScript, MongoDB , and Mongoose.
Check out the code here.
To Do List App
This project allows the user to keep track of tasks by adding them on this easy to use list. They can add as many items as they wish and they will be saved to local storage. Items are crossed off the list when complete, and deleted with the click of a button. Users can also filter the list to see either tasks that have been completed, tasks that are remaining, or view all. The application was built with React.
Check out the code here.
Recipe App
This project was designed to allow a user to search for any desired ingredient and presents various recipes using that ingredient on cards, complete with links to the recipe itself. The application was built using CSS and JavaScript.
Check out the code here.